I was interested in mobile app design and learning design tools, so I created a mockup for an app idea I had one day.

  • Role:
  • Product / Visual / UX Designer
  • Time:
  • Nov 2019 - Dec 2019
  • Project Type:
  • Design Exercise
images of the lawn.mo app


Lawn.mo would let homeowners, or anyone with the need for a landscapers, find private contractors to do anything from planting some flowers to mowing a lawn. Additionally, it can serve as a tool that homeowners can use to make sure the contractors they hire are professional and reliable.


For fun, I did some competitve analysis to learn about similar apps and get some inspiration for my own designs. I looked at apps like TaskRabbit for its purpose to help users find people to do odd-jobs, and services like Lyft where you rely on the company's screening process of their drivers and have a system to hold them accountable for their quality of service.

Hiring contractors for various labor tasks.
Requesting services on-demand and has clean design for reviewing experiences.

Visual Systems

I used this exercise to learn about styleguides and how to select and define typograpy, color palettes, and iconography.

lawn.mo visual systems, typography, colors, and iconography


motion graphic, of user onboarding experience

User Onboarding Experience.

Later on in my design, I decided to create an onboarding experience. I chose to help contractors and clients get the best out of their experience by creating detailed user profiles. The information shared in user profiles would be used to better identify and match contractors with properties they are equipped to handle and have positive reviews.

Onboarding Integrations

Lastly, while I designing the onboarding process, I thought more about the information users were providing and how some of it could be time consuming to enter. To alleviate that, I thought it would be helpful to incorporate an integration with comnpanies like Zillow where users can find their property in Zillow and quickly sync it to their Lawn.mo profile.

image of screenshot with onboarding screen featuring the Zillow integration
  • Tools: Sketch

coded with 💛 by Anders